Saturday, May 12, 2012


"Ye nymphs and swains, whom love inspires
With all his pure and faithful fires,
Hither with joyful steps repair;
You who his tenderest transports share
For lo ! in beauty's gayest pride,
Summer expands her bosom wide ;
The Sun no more in clouds inshriu'd,
Darts all his glories unconfin'd;
The feather'd choir from every spray
Salute Melissa's natal day.
Hither ye nymphs and shepherds haste,
Each with a flow'ry chaplet grae'd,
With transport while the shades resound,
And Nature spreads her charms around;
While ev'ry breeze exhales perfumes,
And Bion his mute pipe resumes;
With Bion long disus'd to play,
Salute Melissa's natal day.
For Bion long deplor'd his pain
Thro' woods and devious wilds in vain;
At last impell'd by deep despair,
The swain preferr'd his ardent pray'r;
His ardent pray'r Melissa heard,
And ever)* latent sorrow cheer'd,
His days with social rapture ble~t,
And scoth'd each anxious care to rest.
Tune, shepherds, tune the festive lay,
And hail Melissa's natal day.
With Nature's incense to the skies
Let all your fervid wishes rise,
That Heav'n and Farth may join to shed
Their choicest blessings on her head;
That years protracted, as they flow,
May pleasures more sublime bestow ;
While by succeeding years surpast,
The happiest still may be the last;
And thus each circling Sun display,
A mere auspicious natal day."


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