Saturday, August 30, 2014

Love At First Sight Sucks

Don’t you hate it when you met someone who is  a total stranger but their smile can make your heart warm. They can comfort you only with their presence. But then after you both going home there’s nothing to feel and you facing the reality again. If you maybe not a kind of person who can easily fall in love with someone, then maybe you don’t understand this. me as a person who easily fall for anyone I found this annoying. I mean I know that guy who staring at me would love to have a little conversation with me. But I also know he won’t do that because for the sake of dignity. People don’t suddenly asking someone’s day or their number at first sight. No matter how much they want to have conversation so badly. I don’t know how much guy I've been secretly love at our very first meeting. And I also don’t know how much love story I will have if we brave enough to get in touch. If you guys, the people who don’t fall in love easily, are curious I am single. I am not that kind of sad single who desperately wants guy’s attention due to the emptiness as a sad single bitch. Actually I feel like I don’t need people. But sometimes when it comes to perfect stranger I met at every place I feel the sudden need to connect with people especially this oh-so-perfect-stranger I don’t care if actually he already have girlfriend or he’s a cold-blooded murder(ok this is scary) to me it doesn't matter as long as I’m happy,unharmed,and loved. So what do I want ? I want people to be more you know open. If you think someone’s pretty go tell them pretty, if you like someone go tell them, if you like something go tell them. Life has so many surprises(tho I hate surprises), you’ll never know what will happens to you. Who knows that someone you deeply secretly love, loves you too.  I know it’s hard. I know that would be awkward because our society didn't used to do those things.  People now feel more comfortable to mock people, showing other’s flaw, focusing on the bad side of people rather than tell people what you love from them, showing other’s kindness, focusing on the good side of people.


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