Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hello. How are you ? I wish you all well and safe. Well I’m doing just fine and I have something to tell you.
I just finished reading the first series of divergent. A novel about factioned world wrote by Veronica Roth. The story was quite awesome. And the story giving me hope. It’s  not the morality that giving me hope. It was the love story between Tobias and Beatrice. They fallen in love. They want each other. They combine lust and love. Although i’m sure they’re having not much lust since they aren’t get laid yet. The way Beatrice love and want Tobias to me was beautiful. She felt something when around him. Maybe it was butterfly but this butterflies make Beatrice comfortable around him. The touch on her skin, the attention he gave, the way he protect her it’s all making me to have this hope. I hope i would fall in love. I hope i could feel the way Beatrice felt when she’s with Tobias, when she’s touched by Tobias. I never fall in love before. When it comes to like someone, I always pull myself away from them like I was irritated by their presence but actually I wasn’t. I like them. But to be around them is too much for me. Surely, I didn’t feel the way Beatrice feel when we’re around our someone we like. Now i have this question inside my head. Does everyone who was in relationships feel that way ? I wanted to ask this question to people who had a lot of exes. How can they moving on ? if I ever fall in love I’m not sure I would be able to left them or  to let them leave me. Maybe I will do whatever it takes to make them stay because i love them. But then again there’s another question pop up in my head. What if the feeling has gone ? what if the reason they left me because they’re no longer in love with me ? I know Tobias saying that if Beatrice risk her live at danger again then their relationship will end. But in that particular conditions maybe Tobias wouldn’t be able to separate from her. The results will be different if Tobias have done with her. He’s no longer in love with her. Then maybe tobias will be gone and Beatrice will be alone with her sadness. I don’t want it to happen. Beside that, I found myself felt that i was like divergent. Sometimes I don’t feel like mean what I say.  And i have a very incredible imagination than most people. Although i’m not too bright to manipulate other but i can make myself believed what i’ve had imagine. Lately i’ve been drown in my own world. My parents would have find me always daydreaming when there’s time. If i was a divergent so I was the Beatrice. And the last question I can utter on this letter is “When will I find my own Tobias ?”
PS. Oh please remove the war part out of my life. I don’t want to be in thrilling situation like that. Thank you.
