Friday, September 14, 2012

So Happy I Could Die

Yesterday I was sooo happy. Bcs, you know what ? I'm accepted to be an admin of my favorite singer fanbase! YES! Lady Gaga! aaaaa. Last month I was join the audition to be their admin. Actually we only fill in form. and the shocking night came. The Founder of its account following me on twitter. I was shocked. why the hell he's following me ? And I'm more more shocked when he's asking my number. and then we did chatting. I  couldn't lying to myself. Yeah I was sooo happy. Then I told my friends about this but you know they're just like "whoah that's cool!" just like that. kinda dissapointing me but that's okay.

But now, I'm scared. Bcs you know I'm still on trial. I don't even start my job. and I'm scared I couldn't did the job well. Yeah, now the excitement becomes something that wanna eat me.